Professor Massimo Introvigne. Поздравление газеты "Нераскрытые преступления"

дек 17 2016 / Опубликовано в Отзывы о газете и поздравления

Professor Massimo Introvigne. Поздравление газеты "Нераскрытые преступления".

Massimo Introvigne in Odessa 2016. DAY 1: "Fears and delusions"

окт 12 2016 / Опубликовано в Спецвыпуск

The first day of the meeting was devoted to fears and delusions of today's society. Why do people become the product of religious extremists propaganda? Italian professor of sociology of religion Massimo Introvigne described the key points of this complex question. First point is the confusions in terminology, such as sects and cults, which is used by extremists to manipulate and intimidate the modern society.

We remind that in October 2016 at the initiative of the head of the Scientific Research Institute "The international fate-analysis community" Maltsev Oleg organized in Odessa a scientific meeting for the training of Ukrainian scientists, lawyers and journalists.

Массимо Интровинье "Что такое техника промывания мозгов?"

апр 17 2017 / Опубликовано в Мнение экспертов

Профессор Массимо Интровинье про теорию "промывания мозгов" и о том какая спецслужба придумала этот миф для борьбы с советской пропагандой.

Anti-cultist terrorism. "Dehumanization"

июнь 10 2017 / Опубликовано в Аналитические материалы

What is anti-cult terrorism and how it affects every one of you?
What is the relationship between religious extremists and anti-cult terrorists? And finally, what is a standard anti-cult terrorists algorithm of actions for the destruction and elimination of unwanted persons and organizations? The answers to these and many other questions you can see in this programm!